Dr. 艾米丽E. Grausgruber

从保罗·史密斯开始:  2021
部门: 自然科学
计划: 渔业 & 野生动物科学


作为渔业生物学家, I am interested in evaluating and understanding species interactions related to aquatic food webs and population dynamics. I have worked on various aquatic systems, including St. 劳伦斯河, 爱荷华五大湖, 和欧赫湖, evaluating organisms from crustacean zooplankton to sportfish species. 不管研究结果如何, I use an integrated approach that relies on various study designs, including natural field experiments, 实验操作, and modeling to address applied fisheries and basic ecological questions. 尽管广泛, my research interests revolve around several related topics: 1) how major ecological processes such as competition, 捕食, 关键物种, 运动模式, and invasive species influence population dynamics of fish and aquatic ecosystems; 2) evaluating the effects of aquaculture and stocking practices on ecosystem 函数; 3) evaluation temporal changes in fish populations with various modeling approaches; and 4) evaluation of teaching techniques used in education programs. 尽管广泛而多样, my research interests provide an increased understanding of aquatic ecosystem structure, 函数, and ecology that ultimately enhances fisheries ecology and management and improves the training of future fisheries professionals.

As an educator, I have an innate passion for developing and implementing hands-on science courses. Throughout my professional development, I have continuously evolved my instruction style to meet the changing needs of my students while aligning with current teaching paradigms.  As an undergraduate and graduate student, I had the privilege of being a member of departments where the faculty created a friendly and safe learning environment that challenged me as a learner and allowed me to discover who I was as a scientist and person. It is this type of learning environment that I strive to create in my courses.


  • North Central Division Representative of The American 渔业 Society Student and Early Career Professionals Subsection
  • Reviewer for several peer-reviewed fisheries journals
  • Hobbies: fly tying, fishing, swimming, hiking, gardening, and snowshoeing


2020 Ph.D. Iowa State Biology, 渔业 Biology
2013 M.S. 克拉克森大学, Environmental Science & 工程
2010 B.S. State University of New York at Potsdam, Biology




加粗的名字代表我自己; + Indicates undergraduate students I directly mentored

Grausgruber,年代.J., Grausgruber E.E., 韦伯,米.J. 在检查中. Evaluation of physiological consequences of ice angling on Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus. 渔业研究.

Grausgruber E.E., 韦伯,米.J. 在新闻. Using mark-recapture techniques to assess fall survival of fall stocked walleye 桑德vitreus 爱荷华州的两个湖泊. 渔业研究.

Grausgruber E.E., 韦伯,米.J. 在新闻. Shift happens: evaluating the ability of fall stocked walleye 桑德vitreus 转向自然猎物. 渔业 Ecology and Management.

Grausgruber E.E., 韦伯,米.J. 在新闻. Experimental evaluation of transport distance on stress and mortality of age-0 Walleye 桑德vitreus. Journal of Wildlife and 渔业 Management. http://doi.org/10.3996 / jfwm - 20 - 046

Grausgruber E.E., 韦伯,米.J. 2021. Using bioenergetics to estimate consumption of stocked age-0 Walleye 桑德vitreus 被一群鱼食动物吃掉了. North American Journal of 渔业 Management. 41:344-354. http://doi.org/10.1002 / nafm.10523

Grausgruber E.E., 韦伯,米.J. 2020. 越大越好! Evidence of size-selective 捕食 on age-0 Walleye 砂光机 vitreus. North American Journal of 渔业 Management. 40:726-732. http://doi.org/10.1002/nafm.10437

Grausgruber E.E. 2020. Looking for a bottleneck: Assessment of factors influencing post-stocking survival of advanced fingerling Walleye 桑德vitreus (论文). 爱荷华州立大学. http://doi.org/10.31274 /要领- 20200624 - 120

韦伯,米.J.韦伯(R)., 球,E.E., Meerbeek J. 2020. Behavior and survival of stocked fingerling Walleye in three Iowa, USA lakes. North American Journal of 渔业 Management. 40(1): 48-60. http://doi.org/10.1002/nafm.10403

球,E.E., 韦伯,米.J. 2019. Effects of transport duration and water quality parameters on age-0 Walleye 桑德vitreus 压力和生存. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 82(1): 33-42. http://doi.org/10.1002 / naaq.10114

球,E.E., 韦伯,米.J. 2018. Biometric relationships between Walleye 桑德vitreus total length and lengths of external morphometric features. 应用鱼类学杂志. 34(6): 1277-1284. http://doi.org/10.1111 /胜利.13782

Blankman+, T., 球,E.E., 韦伯,米.J. 2018. Evaluating the efficiency of pulsed gastric lavage for fingerling Walleye 桑德vitreus. North American Journal of 渔业 Management. 38(4): 953-958. http://doi.org/10.1002 / nafm.10202

球,E.E., 史密斯,维.E.安德森,E.J.斯库夫卡,J.D.,特维斯,M.R. 2018. Delineating nearshore and main channel environments in the Upper St. 劳伦斯河: Plankton community assessment in a large river system. Hydobiologia. 185 (1): 125-140. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-018-3556-5

球,E., 亚当斯,维.杜普伊·J.,伊林,J.哈德逊,Z.琼斯先生.柯克,B.麦库姆斯,A.麦戈文,P.拉比诺维茨,A.鲁登,R.施密特,S.汤普森,K。.瓦齐里,G.克拉弗,R. 2017. Serendipity: An ecologist’s quest to understand nature. 哺乳动物杂志. 98(5): 1509-1510. http://doi.org/10.1093 / jmammal / gyx108

球,E.E., 韦伯,米.J. 2017. Validating a diabetic glucose meter to assess walleye 桑德vitreus 葡萄糖浓度. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 79(3): 245-249. http://doi.org/10.1080/15222055.2017.1310158

球,E.E., Twiss, M.R. 2013. Plankton assemblages in low velocity and high velocity regions of the Upper St. 劳伦斯河 (Master’s Thesis). 克拉克森大学.


  • Adjunct Instructor, Fundamentals of Mathematics (MTH 090) SUNY Jefferson, Spring 2021
  • Guest Lecturer, 渔业 Techniques (A ECL 333), 爱荷华州立大学, Falls 2015-2018, 2020
  • Guest Lecturer, 渔业 Management (A ECL 440), 爱荷华州立大学, Falls 2015-2018, 2020
  • Teaching Assistant, Vertebrate Biology (A ECL 365), 爱荷华州立大学, Fall 2018
  • Co-Instructor, Fish Physiology Seminar (NREM 305), 爱荷华州立大学, Spring 2018
  • Teaching Assistant, Vertebrates of Iowa (A ECL 366), 爱荷华州立大学, Spring 2017
  • Teaching Assistant, Principles of Biology (BIOL 198), Kansas State University, Spring and Fall 2014
  • Teaching Assistant, Human Biology (BIOL 107), State University of New York at Potsdam, Fall 2009


2021 – SUNY Jefferson College – Adjunct Instructor
2017-2020 – 爱荷华州立大学 – Teaching Assistant, Guest Lecturer, Co-Instructor


推特:@ EmilyG_Fish_Dr

Jorie米. 费儒

