Dear Paul Smith’s community,

Greetings from the beautiful but very quiet Paul Smith’s campus. It is heartening to see the daffodils poking out of the ground 和 the snow pack (finally!)了. 通常在每年的这个时候,宝盈bbin官方登录都在计划年终活动,包括期末考试, capstones 和 celebrations such as commencement. We are still doing that, but just in a different way! We are looking forward to joining you virtually for so many of these activities. 感谢这个极具创意的团队,他们一直在努力使这些活动尽可能地特别.

I know this has been such a difficult period for everyone. 对于宝盈bbin官方登录的学生,你们在适应一个非常不同的学习环境方面表现出了令人难以置信的韧性. Hang in there – the semester is nearly done. And to our incredible faculty 和 staff – thank you for your agility, commitment 和 tireless work to ensure our students are supported through this period.

Due to the relatively low incident rate of COVID-19 in our region, we are hopeful that we will be able to open for (likely limited) summer operations soon. We do not yet know when that is but will keep everyone apprised. 与此同时,宝盈bbin官方登录正在努力为秋季学期每个人的安全返回做计划. 宝盈bbin官方登录的目的是按计划开始新学期,并欢迎大家安全返回校园! We have two teams working on this. 第一个重点是主动解决健康和安全程序,当宝盈bbin官方登录重新开放校园. 其次是确定创造性的方法,以防宝盈bbin官方登录从8月下旬开始无法以完全“正常”的状态运营. We will be communicating with you throughout the summer with updates.

最后, 就我个人而言, I know that my announced departure at the end of September came at a very challenging time. 此外,Dr。. Lindsay’s departure adds to the uncertainty of our current circumstances. I assure you that the college will be in terrific h和s; we have an amazing group of leaders here who are fully committed to ensuring a seamless transition. 在我离开之前董事会就会公布任命临时校长的消息. 下面是关于我的计划的一些信息,以确保Terry离开后在学生活动中开始的良好工作继续下去. I have heard from many of you 和 thank you for your underst和ing 和 best wishes. But I’m not gone yet; we have a lot to do before September!

I hope you 和 your families are safe, healthy 和 doing well.


  • Today (May 1) is the first of four days of “virtual” capstones. 的y will continue on May 2, 8, 9. 这是我最喜欢的活动之一,因为我看到宝盈bbin官方登录的学生在各种各样的主题上分享他们的知识深度. And they are virtual this year, so 登录 for a schedule 和 to see some great work.
  • 教师和学生都很好地适应了这种极具挑战性的情况,即在学期中期转向在线教学. A number of faculty (Kate Glenn, 伯大尼Garretson, 布雷特•麦克劳德, 兰德尔·斯旺森(R和all Swanson)和林业部的其他人非常有创意地使用GoPro相机来展示技能,包括如何在雨中开始罚款. 梅尔·约翰逊(Mel Johnson)和考特尼·布林利(Courtney Bringley)等人则利用这一变化邀请了许多客座演讲者. Catie Lalonde已经指导她的学生使用Canvas Studio Screen Capture作为呈现电影剪辑评论的工具. 保罗·史密斯的教师们还在创建新的单学分课程方面做了出色的工作——涵盖了媒体研究/心理学课程“危机时期的电影”等主题。, interactive storytelling 和 food preservation.
  • 微生物生活展览 at the Harvard Museum of Natural 历史, curated 和 based on imagery by Scott Chimileski, has been extended by popular dem和 through March 2021.
  • 伯大尼Garretson has partnered with Crua Outdoors to for the fall semester. 奥斯古德项目的学生将测试并提供Crua帐篷和装备的产品评论. 的 class will also design a tent of their own.
  • 伯大尼Garretson has authored an article appearing in next month’s issue of 登山家杂志 about the importance of mentors in the high mountains. 今年夏天,贝萨尼还在与阿尔冈昆到阿迪朗达克合作徒步旅行 400英里小径 that connects the Adirondack Park to Algonquin Provincial Park in Canada, all the while promoting the benefits of a wildlife corridor.
  • 可持续发展中心与区域伙伴和学生活动合作,为地球日举办了一系列虚拟地球周活动. 访问 to view a schedule 和 recordings of these talks 和 events on our YouTube channel.
  • 宝盈bbin官方登录已经开始与L&S Engineering to complete a campus wide energy audit, 该项目是为校园制定最新气候行动计划所采取的几个步骤之一. 这是由NYSERDA REV校园挑战路线图技术援助计划资助的项目.
  • While the campus is closed, we have been deep cleaning 和 disinfecting campus buildings. 感谢宝盈bbin官方登录优秀的设施团队,他们所做的一切,以确保宝盈bbin官方登录的校园是安全的,并准备好重新开放.
  • 来自美国冬季两项队的三名学生运动员已经承诺在秋季注册宝盈bbin官方登录. 学院与美国冬季两项合作,使这些精英运动员在获得学位的同时,也在宝盈bbin官方登录的校园里接受训练,为世界杯比赛做准备.
  • Our Smitties Persist fundraising campaign was given a boost by husb和 和 wife alums, Ken (’68) 和 Patricia (’75) Raymond, who generously offered a $100,000挑战赛.
  • We have reorganized a little bit due to the departure of Vice-President Lindsay. Effective June 22 Campus Safety will report to Vice President Janet Waldron, 体育运动致多芬总统, 和 Counseling 和 Health Services, 居住生活, 学生活动, 餐饮服务, C.A.R.E., Student Contact 和 Orientation will report to Vice President David Placey. Thanks to Terry for his leadership 和 great work; we wish him the best in his new role at Albany State University in Georgia. And thank you to Janet 和 David for agreeing to exp和 their responsibilities. Both have held leadership roles with responsibility for these functions at previous institutions; I know they are looking forward to working with their new teams.
  • 咨询中心, 体育团队, 学生活动和住宿生活提供了广泛的虚拟和数字程序:
    • Participation in the One Love Foundation’s annual Yards for Yeardley Campaign. We pledged 1 million yards for 和 exceeded our goal in just one week!
    • 性(t)琐事, 宝盈bbin官方登录 Joy项目, Spill the Tea: Self-care 和 Healthy Relationships, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, 自闭症宣传月, 宠物摄影比赛, 琐事和宾果游戏.
      招生, 学者和学生事务处与未来的学生合作举办了一些创造性的虚拟活动:
    • 脸谱网 Live Q&A sessions with 居住生活, Financial Aid, 和 招生.
    • “Know What You Owe” presentation by Financial Aid 和 TRiO.
    • 虚拟开放日.
    • 虚拟个人旅游.
    • Unibuddy生活. Our April event welcomed 75 attendees from 7 different countries. Engagement was very strong with nearly 350 chat messages from prospective students.
    • Virtual Accepted Students Day was exp和ed with virtual events for each department, followed by “Meet your Classmates Trivia” 和 a “Local Day in the ADK” events.
  • 乔迪·罗西参加了一个国际虚拟大学博览会,在那里她做了一个小时的演讲&答:宝盈bbin官方登录. More than 60 international students participated. In partnership with M Square Media, Jodi还举办了国际教育代理峰会和研讨会,来自23个国家的220名教育代理接受了宝盈bbin官方登录的深入培训.
  • 多个“教职员工接管”#futuresmitty招生社交媒体账户. If anyone is interested in taking part in this, please contact Cori Barnard.
  • 的 annual Sugar Bush event was held virtually with approximately 30 participants.
  • Amy Belair为校园社区开发了3个新的培训项目,将于秋季首次亮相.
  • 警官Gary Lewis和警官Greg L和on完成了ATIXA Title IX调查员一级培训.
  • Shakirra Jones完成了为期两天的心理健康专业人员远程医疗培训网络研讨会.
  • Amy Belair completed a Mental Health, Trauma Response 和 Disaster webinar.
  • 安娜贝拉Abbadessa, Health Services Office Manager, 与美国第九章行政人员协会(atIXa)完成第一级民权调查员培训.
  • 招生 Counselors are busy reviewing applications, conducting transfer credit evaluations, reaching out to students for missing financial aid documents, 和 making contact with students in all stages (inquiry, 申请人, 接受, 通过视频存档, 电话, 文本, Email, 还有实物卡片. 该小组还与高中教师就发音协议进行了沟通.


  • May 14th Annual Leadership Banquet
  • 5月2日-9日
  • May 5 National #GivingTuesdayNow – please support the Smitties Persist Fund
  • May 9 74th annual Spring Commencement